As you may be aware, FyfeWeb runs its own 100Gbps+ IP network, spanning 6 UK-based data centres. In March this year, we had a project on to bring in an additional DDoS mitigation service from Global Secure Layer, who operate a global IP Transit network with inline DDoS Protection. When the project was completed in March, everything ran solid for about 3 months until we started to see some issues in July/August. I've now escalated this to the CTO of GSL, and after a couple of hours discussing the issues, I know understand what's going on - and what's being done to fix it. Ultimately, GSL are building a new global network - with many sites now migrated over, London is ready to be migrated to the new network. I'm being told that we should see around ~1 minute of traffic impact whilst this is carried out, and after that, there should be no further issues. However, that being said, we are still looking to add further resilience to this service as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience so far.